Autism article for HT 50th anniversary issue

Autism article for HT 50th
anniversary issue. 

Breakthroughs and Connections

The healing journey of a young boy with autism

By Sujata Owens, CCH, RSHom(NA), DHMS(India), BSc(India)

One in 36 children at age eight has symptoms associated with autism spectrum disorder, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control's 2020 data.1 Children with this brain development disability communicate, interact, and learn differently than most children—which typically leads to school, family, and social challenges. Symptoms can range from minor to severe, but difficulty socializing and communicating with others is usually noticeable, as are repetitive behaviors and interests.


Parents are often unsure how to support such a child. In my experience, homeopathy can play an important role in helping children diagnosed with autism. Below, I share the transformative healing journey of a young boy in my homeopathy practice.

Gentle, but violent

When six-year-old Jordan and his mom entered my office, he made eye contact, showed me his watch, and told me the time. As a homeopath, I notice what does not “fit”—and Jordan’s engaging behavior was not typical of children with an autism diagnosis.


Jordan immediately switched off the lights in my office because the lights bothered his eyes. When he reached out to touch my video equipment, I drew an imaginary perimeter around my desk to help Jordan understand which area was his. Throughout the consultation, Jordan reminded himself, “Oh, this is Sujata’s area,” and then returned to the toy table. Jordan’s gentle demeanor drastically differed from “wild and violent behavior,” as his mom had described in the pre-consultation paperwork. She had detailed screaming, kicking, and other rageful behaviors.

Fear from the start

Jordan's mom spontaneously started the consultation by saying, "I was seven months pregnant with Jordan when the police stopped me for speeding. I panicked, started wheezing, and my heart raced. Also, Jordan required resuscitation when he was born, which frightened me." When I asked if Jordan showed signs of intense fear or panic, she said that he was "petrified of dogs" because of a "terrifying dog interaction." Also, he was traumatized by emergency room treatment for his burns from a hot oil spill.

Two diagnoses

At age three, Jordan's repetitive behavior, fixations on items or words, and lack of interaction with others led to an autism diagnosis. Jordan fixated on time, timekeeping, and household appliances, such as the vacuum or blender, which he would repetitively run around while making growling noises. Two years later, he was diagnosed with Pediatric Autoimmune Neuropsychiatric Disorders Associated with Streptococcal Infections (PANDAS) when he suddenly began to have "meltdowns" several times per day. His mom said, “Jordan rhythmically kicked the stove, lay kicking and screaming on the floor, and once he even kicked the bed rail so hard that it broke.”

Jordan’s themes

To determine a helpful homeopathic remedy, I identified Jordan’s most prominent symptoms and compared them to remedy indications:


  • Fear – His mom experienced intense fear while Jordan was in utero, and he had two frightful encounters in his early years.
  • Light sensitivity – Jordan was sensitive to even moderate indoor lighting.
  • Violent anger – Jordan displayed strong anger.
  • Fixation – Jordan fixated on items and loved to record himself saying a word or phrase and listen to it repeatedly.
  • Suddenness – Jordan’s mom emphasized the suddenness of his symptoms. For example, Jordan could suddenly change from the calm, kind boy I observed in my office into a wild and violent child. The PANDAS outbursts began and ended abruptly, without warning or identifiable causes.

Based on the repertorization and my knowledge of materia medica, I recommended Belladonna 200c for Jordan. Belladonna fit Jordan’s fear of dogs, suddenness of symptoms, light sensitivity, along with strong displays of anger.

Remarkably calm

One month later, at Jordan’s first follow-up appointment, his mom reported, “Before taking the remedy, Jordan frequently needed to be removed from the school therapy room because of his outbursts. Now, he sits calmly, pays attention, and follows directions—remarkable!” Although he still had screaming outbursts at home, on several occasions, he had self-regulated and calmed down quickly.


His mom added, “He recently chipped a tooth and sat still for 40 minutes in the dentist's chair during the repair procedure. Six months ago, he needed sedation for a regular dental exam and cleaning. It's truly phenomenal!” 


It was an excellent healing response, so I did not give another dose of Belladonna. Instead, I sent two doses of Belladonna 200c home with them and asked his mom to give one dose if Jordan’s improvements stalled or if he could not regulate an outburst.

A necessary boost

At his follow-up appointment five months later, Jordan’s mom said, “He is still doing well in school. He transitioned from his therapy center to a classroom, receiving daily support from a classroom aide and other therapists. Unfortunately, he has been a holy terror at home, and the two doses of Belladonna 200c have not helped.”


Even though Jordan was doing well in school, Belladonna 200c was no longer supporting him enough. I recommended Jordan take Belladonna 1M, a higher potency, in water every other day.

A homeopathy success story

Two months later, Jordan’s mom was beaming. “I am thrilled to tell you that Jordan is in a regular public school classroom and no longer requires the classroom aide or other daily therapy! He likes school, does well at it, and even talks to me about it. None of this would have happened before we began seeing you. He behaves well at home, and his outbursts are rare now.” Because Jordan was doing so well, I suggested she start to reduce doses to every third day, fourth day, fifth day, and so on.


A year later, Jordan’s mom happily reported he had fewer tendencies toward repetitive behaviors and interests. His health was good, and his violent outbursts were a thing of the past.


Great strides with homeopathy

Jordan is an example of the many children with autism spectrum disorder who can make great strides with homeopathic treatment. You can use homeopathy alongside other therapies without worrying about interference. Please note, however, that homeopathic treatment for people with autism is not a “do it yourself” project. You will need a professional homeopath trained to perceive and understand the unique expression of each person’s symptoms to choose a remedy that ultimately supports overall health. To find a homeopath, visit


1. Data & Statistics on Autism Spectrum Disorder.

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